
Justin Skycak

Chief Quant, Director of Analytics at Math Academy. Posts about learning, upskilling, math education, Math Academy, and more generally, stages 2-3 of Bloom's talent development process in hierarchical skill domains.

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New on - Importance of Prereqs, Perceiving Progress, My Beef with Discovery Learning

Hey! You're receiving this email because you requested to be notified about new posts at you've changed your mind, click here to unsubscribe, please avoid marking spam.) Here are 3 new posts from the past month: The Importance of Learning Your Prerequisites2025 Feb, ~500 words • Mastery learning -- one of the most reliable, largest-effect-size techniques for elevating student learning outcomes -- centers on learning prerequisites. In fact, the famous Two-Sigma Problem is...

Hey! You're receiving this email because you requested to be notified about new posts at you've changed your mind, click here to unsubscribe, please avoid marking spam.) Here are 3 new posts from the past month: Math Academy’s Eurisko Sequence, 5 Years Later: Student Outcomes Emerging From the Most Advanced High School Math/CS Sequence in the USA2025 Mar, ~2500 words • During its operation from 2020-23, Eurisko was the most advanced high school math/CS sequence in the USA....

Hey! You're receiving this email because you requested to be notified about new posts at you've changed your mind, click here to unsubscribe, please avoid marking spam. Also, sorry if this email is duplicated -- I encountered some problems sending this newsletter directly from Gmail, and either nobody or very few people actually received it, so I'm resending via a proper newsletter management service, which, admittedly, is long overdue.) A new podcast came out last weekend....